The House of Black&White Travel Photography

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The House of Black & White Travel Photography is an Immersive Virtual Gallery, a sanctuary for those seeking genuine, untouched beauty. Each image told a tale, a memory from a distant place, crystallized without the distraction of colors. These were not just photographs but Julius Yls's personal experiences shared with the world.

Rainbow Obby
Apex Street Racing

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King of the Hill. Multiplayer
Woodland Haven
Merge Survivor: Zombie!

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Food& Nutrition  Classroom By Amnuaywit
Ruang Imej
Stoopid Long Obby!

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Superbund Alpha Project @ TEDx Tin Hau Women
BOSS Immersive Showroom
Kasama The Awakening

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Spatial Avatar Store

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Meta Bomberman by MetaVitrine (BETA)
MCM Wearable Casa
Racing Empire

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