The Future is Hair

Urja J68 views2 loves

The team 3BT1 presents their AcrossRCA walk through this virtual exhibition that comprises of our project outcomes, creative and artistic representations of our research and ideas about the underlying common thread of human nature that shows us how changing perceptions about hygiene and cleanliness influence the appearance and maintenance of spaces; both - their own bodies, as well as their habitats.

Lofi Chill with Ari

1 online

My African Dream


1 online

Jailbreak Prison Run

2 online

Café Joyeux 💛 Served From The Heart

3 online

The AltSpace CampFire
Цифровой центр музея им. Сергея Курёхина

1 online

Buddy Blitz

1 online

Building AI Agents In Spatial

1 online

Mataha: Lost Labyrinth of Egypt
Berkeley Forest
MCM Wearable Casa
Takekage : Japanese Onsen
Timelock: Puzzle Parkour
Rainbow Obby
Racing Empire

3 online

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