Ricardo’s Gallery Bangkok

Ricardo Bangkok Gallery261 views5 loves

Join me on a journey through the American West along Route 66, the ultimate metaphor for life. These are my visual notes from the road, capturing the stunning landscapes and portraits of the people we met along the way. Follow along as we explore bars, restaurants, motels, gas stations, and hitchhiking adventures. #Route66 #LifeMetaphor #AmericanWest #VisualNotes #Landscapes #PortraitPhotography #TravelMemoir

King of the Hill. Multiplayer
Woodland Haven
Avatar Wing Shop : Universal Auras Sold Here
Kasama The Awakening
Rainbow Obby
Jailbreak Prison Run

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Visit 庵 Community House(いおり)
Nirvana Grove
Timelock: Puzzle Parkour
Цифровой центр музея им. Сергея Курёхина
MCM Wearable Casa
ghost town
Spatial Avatar Store

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Ai Agents

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Irule02 / GAME
Food& Nutrition  Classroom By Amnuaywit
DONOR GALLERY | The Hip Hop Museum (THHM)