BSAM BRASIL116 views14 loves

It is an innovative exhibition that celebrates the cultural and artistic richness of Afro-Brazilian culture in critical correlation with Asian culture, in order to explain their correlations, counterpoints and divergences. It seeks to expand its influence and reach through a virtual interactive environment within Web 3.0, with a special focus on Afrofuturism and the African diaspora, interweaving elements of Anime, Manga, Science Fiction, Music, Games and Cinema.

Release Date

April 09, 2024

Jailbreak Prison Run

2 online

Lofi Chill with Ari
Superbike Racing
King of the Hill. Multiplayer
One Woman's Metaverse Art Gallery


1 online

Infinite Ascent
My African Dream
Mars : 2084 - Départ / Start - Zone 1
Neon Ghost

2 online

Showroom Humanversum
eRuang kelas Auditorium SIBERMU
UEES - Sala de Audiencia 2
Expo Comic Center / Marvel & DC Gallery
Kasama The Awakening

1 online

Spatial Avatar Store

1 online

Woodland Haven
Shroom Worlds - Art Gallery 1

1 online

Apex Street Racing