MV Seon Gallery

Rebecca Nie38 views4 loves

My name is Rebecca Nie, and I am a Chinese American women artist based in California. I practice new media art, algorithm art, and on-canvas paintings to create altered spaces that call and empower the audience to engage their body, mind, and spirit to look for meanings and purposes that are authentically theirs in our days of constant information and instant global communication. The depth of my artwork comes from my introspection, social engagement, and accomplishment in diverse disciplines.

Apex Street Racing

1 online

My African Dream


2 online



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Superbike Racing

2 online

Takekage : Japanese Onsen
Spatial Sample Game: Basketball
The Big Bang Theory_Nerdvana


2 online

Adventist VR IASD
The mystery of the Tentaverse
Showroom Humanversum
Kasama The Awakening
Racing Empire

3 online

Nomion - Co Vat Gallery

1 online

giulia_saltarelli's 3D World
Expo Comic Center / Marvel & DC Gallery
Squid game By Meta Vitrine
Marisa_ITUBRU's Bespoke Scene
Neon Ghost

4 online