CoArt Cluster 1

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Welcome to the 3D model of the First Cluster of the Metaverse for CoArt Web3 Marketplace participants and those eager to buy and sell unique physical assets without leaving the virtual environment. CoArt VR Space, seamlessly integrated with our unique physical collectible asset tokenization platform, is designed for the convenience of transaction participants, marrying the digital and physical realms effortlessly.

Release Date

November 22, 2023

Kasama The Awakening

1 online

Stoopid Long Obby!

1 online

Superbike Racing

1 online

Apex Street Racing
Neon Ghost

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Rainbow Obby

1 online

นิทรรศการ บุหรี่ไฟฟ้า ฟิน จน ตาย
My African Dream

2 online

Vaccine Parade 2024
Glass Pavilion by Thorium Labs
Tokyo Kitty Drift🚗GameJam優勝スペース
Virtual Classroom
MCM Wearable Casa
Melaka Harbor - Parameswara Meta - UKM MetaMOOC
Irule Store
Mostly Only Up!

5 online

Airbus 380
AbsolutLand: Journey To The Cosmos
Sniper Legends

2 online