BSMS Library Induction

CJ Taylor195 views1 love

This digital space a metaverse for students, educators, and medical professionals dedicated to Library services and educational resources available to Brighton and Sussex Medical School.

Stoopid Long Obby!
Superbike Racing
The mystery of the Tentaverse
Timelock: Puzzle Parkour
pattanan's Next Room
Spatial Sample Game: Basketball
Melaka Harbor - Parameswara Meta - UKM MetaMOOC
Berkeley Forest
Adventist VR IASD

1 online

Pirelli Metaworld

1 online

Memoria audiovisual
Nirvana Grove
Hyper Jump
Neon Ghost

1 online

Mataha: Lost Labyrinth of Egypt
Punch Hero

13 online

AbsolutLand: Journey To The Cosmos