Ai Typography Gallery II

Ai.lexa96 views5 loves

As an Art director and graphic designer, I have a strong appreciation for the power of typography in creating visual impact and enhancing the overall aesthetic of a design. With my passion for typography, I was motivated to curate a gallery that showcases a diverse range of typographic styles created in Midjourney, to highlight the versatility and artistry of this fundamental design element.

Neon Ghost

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Superbike Racing

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Woodland Haven
Apex Street Racing

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Dairy Farm

1 online

BOSS Immersive Showroom
hilmanjamal's PRE-UPS 2 SM025
CGD Hall
Prop Hunt

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my UMT
Irule02 / GAME

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Adventist VR IASD
Berkeley Forest
My African Dream
Kasama The Awakening

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Showroom Humanversum
The Haunted Bayou


1 online